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Florida Keys

My time in the keys was a perfect little escape. I spent my days out on the water with my family and friends.. not worried about a thing. While in the keys, I feel so inspired to create. I just feel inspired in general. It’s funny how that little creative spark inside of us comes and goes and has times when it is stronger than others. Laying there on the boat after a long day is when some of my craziest and most creative ideas run around in my brain. I think that there is just an energy that the water carries that I love. It makes me want to create, I want to spend my days reading and learning. Really enjoy every moment of every day. Soaking up how the salt feels on my skin and my hair blowing in the wind … it is times like these make me happy. It makes me want to run more, eat healthier, live more simply and I feel more like myself. It’s easy to think and to think clear. Life is simple in the keys and it allows you to focus all your time on the things that you want to do. Everyday is a new adventure and I thrive in change + a good thrill.

Overall, this years trip was a success. The weather was good one hour and bad the next so it made for interesting trips of dodging storms and unexpected sunsets. We dove some new reefs, jumped off bridges, speared fish, chased turtles, explored Key West, limited out on lobster, went parasailing, walked through gardens and climbed the lighthouse.

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