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52¢ Holiday Memories

A few moments from Gant and I's two-week break for the holidays. We started with a couple days in nothern Utah, to be with Gant's family, and then hopped on a plane to Florida to be with mine!

I love film! 52¢ is how much each film photo costs after I purchase the film and have it developed.

Anson, Ryder and Ledger (and me)

Gant proves to be one of the most caring older brothers every time I see him with his siblings. This is him, spending one of his only ski day's this season, going backwards down the bunny hill helping his littlest brother's learn to ski!

Gant's goal for Florida was to fish every single day, I think we were pretty close!

Grandma at 76 and still full of tricks.

Fishing under the bridge in Melbourne.

U-Pick Strawberries at Mick Farms. We went home and made jam! 7 cups sugar, 5 cups strawberries. So delicious.

I just want to remember Dad & Mom always wanting to have fun with us. We wanted to go fishing on the boat, so fishing on the boat was what we did!

Sunrise with my best friend.

Dad took us to the sheriff's office to pick up a little boat to use in our neighbor's pond. It turned out to be a little plastic boat no bigger than 6 feet long. haha. It looked like a life-size kid's toy. We put the trolling motor on it and we're off!

Mom & Dad in the mini boat.

Taking Peeps out to the range!

Mema and Pepa's 45th wedding anniversary lunch at Ichabod's!

Mr. Manatee just wanted to hang out with us the whole time we fished the Indian River. He would come up, let us scratch him, roll over and drink water from our cooler.

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